Global Revenue Management Study 2024 Fourth Edition

The consensus is clear: AI is no longer just a buzzword—it's a business reality.

May 20, 2024

Global Revenue Management Study 2024

In this 2024 edition of the Global Revenue Management Study, XTEL has engaged with FMCG executives to delve into the AI revolution in Revenue Growth Management (RGM). The consensus is clear: AI is no longer just a buzzword—it’s a business reality. At XTEL, we are convinced that a blend of AI and human intelligence is what will uncover new competitive advantages for your business.

We invite you to download our 2024 RGM Study. This report explores how four years of market disruptions have shaped performance and priorities among FMCGs, underscoring the essential role of digitalisation and AI in creating a data-driven, competitive, and forward-thinking FMCG sector.

Please contact us if you wish to further discuss this study’s findings and learn how XTEL can help you develop and scale holistic revenue growth management practices, and capabilities through the power of dedicated, AI driven technology.

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Upfield Client Success story

Accelerating profitable growth with consistent and coordinated processes and systems into a holistic RGM approach.

Upfield success story